Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Let this not be an omen...

Our New Year's celebration lasted one hour and seven minutes before Lulu lost it. Inconsolable. No steel drum band for you!

We headed home and tucked her in before nine. And then we hit the sack before ten. Only to be rudely awakened at midnight by firecrackers from the vacation rental next door. This after Bill left a nice note from Lulu explaining that she has a cold and is scared of fireworks, so please refrain! (We were forewarned by a very brief practice session the night before.) Of course she lost it. Turned inside out, since it was RIGHT outside her window. And then she was awake. Actively awake. Whiningly awake, Demandingly awake until two. And then again at four. 'Til now. She's coughing and snotty and now my throat hurts.

2007 sucked. Please just let this morning be an aftershock from that, not the theme for 08. Thank you.

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