Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Stats

3 weeks: 10lbs 14oz.
3 years: 32lbs

Junior Miss is acting out. And was displaying UTIish symptoms yesterday, so she was at the doc's this am even though we were there yesterday for Young Master. No UTI, but he wanted to check below deck to make sure she hadn't put anything anywhere it shouldn't be. (Please know that I HATE euphemisms, but I really don't want folks googling about kids' Georgia O'Keefe's and ending up here...) I said, "This one? The one who had to have surgery to remove wet paper balls fom her nose? NEVER!" All clear, of course.

But I should not have been surprised when she interrupted my afternoon shower to tell me Ariel's shoe was up her nose. So now she and Bill are back at the doctor's!


Briar said...

oh. my. god.

Anonymous said...

is it okay for me to laugh about this? XO

Vicky said...

Wow! She is going to hate these stories when she is older.

Martha said...

Shoe has been extracted. And yes, I laughed my ass off!

Amy said...

All I can say is WOW! :)