Friday, September 5, 2008


Not sure who is crying more, me or her.

What a friggin' nightmare. Seriously, bedtime has gone from being a little more drawnout than I would like to being a total disaster. I really need the 2 hours between her bedtime and mine. Without it I have no alone downtime during the day - save the 12 minute drive from work to daycare. Oh, and I am 6 months pregnant and need to put my feet up in the evenings.

I really feel like such a failure as a parent. I have so little control over her, and feel like I have let her rule everything - when she has to do something other than play there is a struggle: bedtime, mealtime, getting dressed, riding in the car. Life is one temper tantrum after another, and I have so little energy right now, I don't feel like I even get much good playtime with her.

Oh. And its just me. I don't even have a babysitter I can use to get out of the house alone for a while. Unless I take time during work. Which I don't have.

This has probably all been exacerbated today by the fact I didn't get my two 12 minute breaks today.


Anonymous said...

Children need discipline and clear boundaries. Without them they're miserable, and so is everyone around them.

Unknown said...

I love supernanny, but I'm not a parent. Easier said than done, I say, especially without Bill. Is she acting out more now that he's away? Or is just more noticeable.

Anonymous said...

You're not a failure. I'm sure this is a phase and will improve (looks like it already has from your most recent post). When I was pregnant things got a little nuts, and you don't even have Bill around to help right now. You are expecting much more of yourself than is reasonable, and don't forget she's two. She's freakin' two, and you're going through the twos for the first time. I hope things even out a bit and that you get your rest.