Monday, February 11, 2008


Finally, folks are paying attention to John McCain. And not a moment too soon. I've been telling anyone who will listen that he is not the kind of "maverick" moderates should be believing in. Today, Feministing had a great post about his record on choice. And now the PP Action Fund is airing an ad that points out how anti-choice he is.

Speaking of assholes, what kind of person tries to drive through a herd of obviously confused loose horses while their owner attempts to lead them back to where they belong? Mr. Audi cell phone earpiece, I'm talking to you. Eight horses in the road on a subzero morning is why I live in the North Country. Lulu was super impressed by them, especially when they decided to haul ass past us to get home.

1 comment:

Labrdors said...

Horses with smoke coming out of their snouts. Sounds really, really pretty