Sunday, February 8, 2009

The children were nestled...

Only they weren't. 4:23 am and NO ONE is nestled snug in his or her bed tonight. Eva's been up about five times tonight, as has Waylon, Surprisingly only one of those times was the SAME time. Bill is currently snozing while i handle this go-round. But I hear movement above as either my brother-in-law or nephew (who will be stayng with us until his stuff for is new apartment in Lake Placid AND his truck arrive) go to the bathroom.

We had a great day today at the saranac Lake winter carnival. We came home to rest and then to dinner with the intention of hitting the fireworks after, but we were running late. But we totally won that round of parental lucking out: we happened to spot some fireworks in Placid as we enroute to missing the SL show and we convinced Eva the fireworks she watched from the side of the road were the ones we intended to show her along.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm telling!