I've been surviving pretty well, other than being seriously irritable. I'm grieving the end of being a mom to an only child, and mourning the loss of only-childness for my daughter (who is also occasionally upset about that as well.) It's really hard to watch her be upset and know that we did something that is making her hurt, even though it is a good thing overall. She's had a few meltdowns. I'm trying to give her as much attention as I can, but that's not much!
Way is sleeping pretty well...we did have one night where he slept in his bassinet between feedings, other nights it's a combo of bassinet, pack and play, and on my chest on the couch. We both sleep the most on the couch together so that's the default. The night before last was tough and made for an unhappy Christmas for me. (Lots of expletives around the cooking of dinner and lots of tears by 6pm.)
But overall things are going well. My mom and I took the kids to lunch at Friendly's and then to the mall to buy me a new nursing bra (I've surpassed the DDs!) and some nursing tops. Way rode in the Bjorn and La Lou drove the race car stroller. Nursing is going wonderfully, whereas last time I was just having my milk come in on Day 8.
Bill is now at work, for his second night snowmaking on Whiteface. A late start this year, but that worked out well! I am just dreading after New Year's when my mom is gone and it's just me and two kids at Lulu's bedtime. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it!
my god martha, he's gorgeous! i am so glad to hear that you and he are lactating and sleeping, respectively. delaney was a great sleeper, and i still managed to cry for most of the first two weeks of her life. we'd love to come visit (and help? dinner?), but don't want to overwhelm. we'd be happy to drop some food over and fold some clothes or something, and you wouldn't have to entertain us at all. let me know when you're accepting help/visitors, OK? delaney would be amazed to see a baby smaller than her!
Today is my first cry free day...it's always good to celebrate emotional milestones!
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