Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Number 2 is a boy!

We had the big ultrasound today and everything looked great. I am so glad to be having a boy, even though my intuition was wrong on that count. Now for the main reason I am nervous about a boy: the circumcision conversation with Bill. I already know I don't want it done and he does, so this might be interesting!


Christa said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you! To circ or not to circ can get pretty heated - my arguement about Bug was that he can choose to remove it later (yes, it's harder and it SUCKS) but he can't glue it back on!

How does Lulu feel about a younger brother?

Martha said...

Did you win???

Vicky said...

Congrats. I'm so happy for you, Bill, and Lulu.

Christa said...

Of course I won!

Labrdors said...

Congratulations! One from Column A and one from Column B!

Anonymous said...

Yay! Boys are great- I should know. And all 3 of mine are intact, though we may have to get the baby circ-d after all (see my blog). Anyway, congrats!

Amy said...

Congrats!!! Let me know if you need any boy clothes, I will be going through Nolan's sooner or later, when I can get up the emotional energy to part with his itty bitty clothes (sigh...)