Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Unrelated, I swear

What I am about to say might seem to be related to the last post, but I swear that it is not: I hate being touched right now.

I read about this when I was nursing Eva, but never experienced it. But this time...oh my lord. When we get home Way wants to be on me, touching me, nursing all the time til he goes to bed. By the time he is snug in his bassinet, I can't get alone enough! And this may make me a bad person/mom to admit, but I especially get annoyed with Eva touching me these days. I am all about our kisses and hugs, but the rest of the hanging-on-me-like-a-monkey makes me INSANE.

I get over it by the middle of the night though, since I keep waking up smooshed up against Bill. Or maybe I am just being a bed hog.


Anonymous said...

I used to have to wash my hands and arms all the time, from being gripped, grasped, grunged and bestickied by tiny hands that had been who knows where, eating God know what, smearing "I don't want to know" on me. I love and loved you guys, but you did make me sticky and dirty!

Vicky said...

The clinging like a monkey thing is hard even when you stop nursing.