Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Let sleeping kids lie?

This afternoon I had the great pleasure of witnessing the most AMAZING temper tantrum ever. It was awesome in both its length and depth. "Go AWAY!" "LEAVE ME ALONE!" and "NOOOOOOOO" punctuated by the occasional: "Ah nah gahhhhhhhhhhhhh HURK AMmamamamamm." Which is either: I want to call grandma or I don't want my pajamas.

And then it was over. After 15 minutes. And the Junior Miss settled down on the couch. I went to start dinner. And the snoring began.

She's sick, obviously. Low fever. Cough. Snuffly-ness. And the last two nights were spent in bed with me, in part. Which means that after combining toss, turning, coughing, crying and kicking (external) with general discomfort, turning and kicking (internal) means I have not slept for more than 2 hours a clip since Saturday night.

I AM NOT READY FOR THIS. LEAVE ME ALONE!Ah nah gahhhhhhhhhhhhh HURK AMmamamamamm!!!!!!!!!!!

So do I go get her....nevermind. She's awake.

first words: Go away mommy!

1 comment:

Vicky said...

Hope she feels better soon. Sick kids stink. I wish I lived closer so I could come over so you could get a little rest. Hope tonight is better.

PS I also have clothes for you from Amy. Let me know if you want me to drop them at your mom's. I'm seeing my parents on Saturday.